Friday, July 16, 2010

Action Research

I suppose it would be easier to discuss what Action Research is not. Action Research is not spending hours upon hours in a library or in front of a computer researching facts about a person, place, or thing. It is not spending a ridiculous amount of time filling in primary and secondary note cards with quotes from books, journals, or internet sources about the said topic. Action Research is used to pin point what needs are not being met and then coming up with practical solutions to making sure that the needs are met. In order for a Action Research to actually be useful one must decide upon factors that determine the effectiveness of the solutions. As with most school information it should be data driven in order to produce the most effective results. Reflection is absolutely of the utmost importance in an Action Research plan. Time should be allotted each day (if possible) in order to reflect on the progression of things. Also, collaboration and input from fellow colleagues and those who are, for lack of better words, 'in the trenches' is highly valuable. Overall, Action Research is a way for people to take a problem by the horns and change the negatives to positives. Things may not completely change, but as they say anything is better than nothing.

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